The Firm

I’ve been practicing law litigation, legal negotiation and legal consulting for two decades now and the legal experience I gained working as an Attorney at Law or as a Legal Counsel is valuable and of service to our clients.

Respecting and meeting the client’s needs and deadlines, making a difference, working out the best and mutually beneficial legal solution,  is the key to the trust and loyalty of our clients.

Trademarks and Copyright, Business and Company Law, Intellectual Property, Start Ups, Mergers and Acquisitions, Commercial agreements and drafting Legal Documents, Franchising, Telecommunications Law, VAS, e – commerce and electronic communications, Personal data protection, Administrative Law, Public Law and Public Tenders, Property Law and Real Estate issues, Labour Law and Tax Law, Bankruptcy Law and Debt Collecting, Family and Inheritance Law are the main fields of focus of our office.

The office is located in the center of Athens, at 6, Herodotou Street and we are here to assist you on any question.

E – mail us at: . We will get back to you with contact details.